Ambroxol 15mg + Dextromethorphan 10mg + Cetirizine 5mg + Menthol 0.5mg (PER 5ML) Syrup

BROCOJOY-AD Syrup: Comprehensive Relief for Respiratory Symptoms

BROCOJOY-AD Syrup 100 ml, formulated by Lifejoy Healthcare and manufactured at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals' WHO-GMP certified facility, offers a holistic approach to respiratory symptom management. This innovative syrup contains a unique combination of four active ingredients: Ambroxol 15mg, Dextromethorphan 10mg, Cetirizine 5mg, and Menthol 0.5mg per 5ml, providing comprehensive relief for individuals suffering from respiratory issues.

Understanding the Ingredients:

Ambroxol (15mg/5ml): Ambroxol is a mucolytic agent that helps loosen and thin mucus in the airways, making it easier to cough up. By promoting mucus clearance, Ambroxol facilitates easier breathing and relieves congestion, thereby alleviating symptoms associated with respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and asthma.

Dextromethorphan (10mg/5ml): Dextromethorphan is a cough suppressant that acts centrally to reduce the urge to cough. It provides relief from dry, irritating coughs, allowing individuals to rest more comfortably and promoting a faster recovery from respiratory infections.

Cetirizine (5mg/5ml): Cetirizine is a second-generation antihistamine that effectively relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis and other allergic reactions. It works by blocking the action of histamine, thereby reducing symptoms such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and nasal congestion.

Menthol (0.5mg/5ml): Menthol has a cooling and soothing effect on the throat and airways, providing relief from throat irritation, cough, and congestion. Its refreshing properties help to alleviate discomfort and promote a feeling of freshness and relief.

Manufactured with Precision:

BROCOJOY-AD Syrup is manufactured at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals, a reputable facility known for its adherence to WHO-GMP standards. Each bottle of syrup undergoes stringent quality control measures to ensure purity, potency, and safety, providing patients with a reliable and effective respiratory remedy they can trust.

Empowering Healthcare Partnerships:

Lifejoy Healthcare is committed to partnering with pharmaceutical companies to improve healthcare outcomes and expand access to essential medications. Therefore, we offer Third-party contract manufacturing services for BROCOJOY-AD Syrup, enabling companies to leverage our expertise and manufacturing capabilities to bring this innovative product to market. Additionally, BROCOJOY-AD Syrup is available for Pharma PCD franchise and generic marketing distribution, offering opportunities for business expansion and market penetration.


BROCOJOY-AD Syrup stands as a testament to Lifejoy Healthcare's commitment to innovation and excellence in healthcare. With its unique combination of Ambroxol, Dextromethorphan, Cetirizine, and Menthol, this syrup offers comprehensive relief for respiratory symptoms, providing individuals with the comfort and support they need to overcome respiratory issues. Manufactured at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals, BROCOJOY-AD Syrup adheres to the highest quality standards, ensuring safety and efficacy with every dose.

For pharmaceutical companies looking to enhance their product portfolio and address the diverse needs of respiratory patients, BROCOJOY-AD Syrup presents an opportunity for collaboration. Through Third-party contract manufacturing services and Pharma PCD franchise distribution, Lifejoy Healthcare offers the support and resources needed to bring BROCOJOY-AD Syrup to patients worldwide. Contact us today to explore partnership opportunities and learn more about how BROCOJOY-AD Syrup can benefit your business.


The information provided above is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Patients should always consult with a healthcare professional before using any medication. Individual responses to medication may vary, and professional medical guidance is essential to ensure safe and effective use. Lifejoy Healthcare and Den Mark Pharmaceuticals do not endorse self-diagnosis or self-medication. Please seek personalized medical advice for your specific health concerns.