Ferrous Ascorbate 100mg + Folic Acid 1.5mg + Zinc 22.5mg Tablets

FEROSKAR XT TAB: Vital Nutritional Support

FEROSKAR XT TAB, meticulously formulated by Lifejoy Healthcare and manufactured at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals' WHO-GMP certified facility, is a comprehensive nutritional supplement designed to address deficiencies and support overall health. Each tablet contains a combination of three essential nutrients: Ferrous Ascorbate 100mg, Folic Acid 1.5mg, and Zinc 22.5mg, offering a synergistic approach to maintaining optimal health.

Understanding the Ingredients:

Ferrous Ascorbate (100mg): Ferrous Ascorbate is a well-absorbed form of iron combined with ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), which enhances iron absorption. Iron is essential for the formation of haemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. Adequate iron intake helps prevent and treat iron deficiency anaemia, ensuring optimal oxygen delivery to tissues and organs.

Folic Acid (1.5mg): Folic Acid, also known as Vitamin B9, plays a crucial role in DNA synthesis, red blood cell production, and neural tube development during pregnancy. Adequate folic acid intake is essential for preventing neural tube defects in newborns and supporting overall health and well-being in individuals of all ages.

Zinc (22.5mg): Zinc is an essential mineral involved in numerous physiological processes, including immune function, wound healing, and DNA synthesis. Zinc deficiency can impair immune function, leading to increased susceptibility to infections and delayed wound healing. Supplementation with zinc helps maintain optimal immune function and overall health.

Comprehensive Nutritional Support:

FEROSKAR XT TAB provides comprehensive nutritional support, addressing deficiencies and promoting overall health and well-being. The combination of Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, and Zinc ensures optimal absorption and utilization of these essential nutrients, supporting healthy red blood cell production, neural tube development, immune function, and wound healing.

Manufactured with Precision:

FEROSKAR XT TAB is manufactured at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals, a facility renowned for its adherence to WHO-GMP standards. Each tablet undergoes stringent quality control measures to ensure purity, potency, and safety, providing patients with a reliable and effective nutritional supplement.

Empowering Healthcare Partnerships:

Lifejoy Healthcare is committed to collaborating with pharmaceutical companies to improve healthcare outcomes and expand access to essential medications. Therefore, we offer Third-party contract manufacturing services for FEROSKAR XT TAB, enabling companies to leverage our expertise and manufacturing capabilities to bring this vital nutritional supplement to market. Additionally, FEROSKAR XT TAB is available for Pharma PCD franchise and generic marketing distribution, offering opportunities for business expansion and market penetration.


FEROSKAR XT TAB exemplifies Lifejoy Healthcare's dedication to providing high-quality nutritional supplements to support overall health and well-being. With its unique combination of Ferrous Ascorbate, Folic Acid, and Zinc, this tablet offers comprehensive nutritional support, addressing deficiencies and promoting optimal health. Manufactured at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals, FEROSKAR XT TAB adheres to the highest quality standards, ensuring safety and efficacy with every dose.

For pharmaceutical companies seeking to enhance their product portfolio and address the nutritional needs of individuals, FEROSKAR XT TAB presents a compelling opportunity for collaboration. Through Third-party contract manufacturing services and Pharma PCD franchise distribution, Lifejoy Healthcare offers the support and resources needed to bring FEROSKAR XT TAB to patients worldwide. Contact us today to explore partnership opportunities and learn more about how FEROSKAR XT TAB can benefit your business.


The information provided above is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Patients should always consult with a healthcare professional before using any nutritional supplement. Individual nutritional requirements may vary, and professional medical guidance is essential to ensure safe and effective use. Lifejoy Healthcare and Den Mark Pharmaceuticals do not endorse self-diagnosis or self-medication. Please seek personalized medical advice for your specific health concerns.