Paracetamol 1% w/v Infusion

FEVIJOY INFUSION: Effective Intravenous Pain Relief

FEVIJOY INFUSION, crafted by Lifejoy Healthcare and meticulously manufactured at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals' WHO-GMP certified facility, stands as a reliable solution for intravenous pain relief. This infusion contains Paracetamol 1% w/v, offering effective and swift relief from pain in hospital settings.

Understanding the Ingredient:

Paracetamol (1% w/v): Paracetamol, also known as acetaminophen, is a widely used analgesic and antipyretic medication. It acts by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins in the brain, thereby reducing pain perception and fever. Paracetamol is commonly used to relieve mild to moderate pain and fever in various clinical conditions.

Swift and Effective Pain Relief:

FEVIJOY INFUSION provides swift and effective pain relief when administered intravenously. The Paracetamol infusion is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, allowing for quick onset of action and efficient pain management. It is particularly useful in hospital settings where intravenous administration is preferred or necessary for patients experiencing acute pain.

Manufactured with Precision:

FEVIJOY INFUSION is manufactured at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals, a facility renowned for its adherence to WHO-GMP standards. Each infusion undergoes stringent quality control measures to ensure purity, potency, and safety, providing healthcare professionals with a reliable and effective option for pain management.

Empowering Healthcare Partnerships:

Lifejoy Healthcare is dedicated to collaborating with healthcare providers to improve patient outcomes and enhance access to essential medications. Therefore, we offer Third-party contract manufacturing services for FEVIJOY INFUSION, enabling hospitals and healthcare institutions to leverage our expertise and manufacturing capabilities. Additionally, FEVIJOY INFUSION is available for Pharma PCD franchise and generic marketing distribution, offering opportunities for broader access and distribution.


FEVIJOY INFUSION exemplifies Lifejoy Healthcare's commitment to providing high-quality intravenous pain relief solutions for healthcare providers and their patients. Manufactured with precision at Den Mark Pharmaceuticals, FEVIJOY INFUSION offers swift and effective pain relief, enhancing patient comfort and well-being in hospital settings.

For hospitals and healthcare providers seeking a reliable intravenous pain relief option, FEVIJOY INFUSION presents a compelling choice. Through Third-party contract manufacturing services and Pharma PCD franchise distribution, Lifejoy Healthcare offers the support and resources needed to bring FEVIJOY INFUSION to patients in need. Contact us today to explore partnership opportunities and learn more about how FEVIJOY INFUSION can benefit your institution.


The information provided above is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Healthcare professionals should always consult with clinical guidelines and protocols before administering any medication. Individual patient needs and medical conditions may vary, and professional medical guidance is essential to ensure safe and effective use. Lifejoy Healthcare and Den Mark Pharmaceuticals do not endorse self-diagnosis or self-medication. Please seek professional medical advice for specific patient cases and treatment decisions.